If you are like me, you may struggle with getting to sleep on time. I could be severely tired, yet still end up staying up later than I want to and then not being able to wake up on time. Here are some tips I have learned that help me to be able to fall asleep when I want too. If you are struggling with insomnia and have tried all these tips, consult with a doctor for their recommendations.
- Stop Drinking Caffeine at Noon
- People react differently to caffeine. For some people, it gives them energy, focus, and increased motivation. Some people don’t notice the affects of caffeine at all. I like to drink caffeine in the morning and maybe have more at lunch time. I have found for myself that if I drink caffeine later than about noon-1pm, I will have a harder time winding down for bed. Even if my body is tired, if I drink caffeine too late, my mind will be buzzing and i have a harder time relaxing and calming down. Even if you don’t feel like caffeine has an affect on you at night, this is something you could try and see if it helps to let you be sleepier and more relaxed before bed.
- Create a Night Routine
- A night routine can help you at night by creating healthy habits that make you feel accomplished, relaxed and ready for the next day. It also helps to take the decisions out of what you should do before bed. The night routine I have created for myself to aid me in going to bed on time and being prepared for the next day is too: Choose my outfits for the next day, set out the food I will be brining with me to work and school, planning my schedule for the next day, and making sure I tracked my calories. I then eat dinner. After eating dinner I wash my face and brush my teeth. I then lay in bed and read for a half and hour to an hour until I fall asleep. This is the night routine that I have developed recently and am working on making into long term habits. I don’t expect myself to follow this on the weekend, except for washing my face and brushing my teeth right after eating. By creating this routine and have set times for when I should do these tasks, I don’t really have to think about what i need to do when I’m really tired. I am very bad at making healthy decisions when I’m tired so just following this routine helps me stay on track with my goals. It helps me to feel prepared for the next day and to be the healthiest I can be.
- Limit Screen Usage Before Bed
- An important thing I have found to make sure my brain is sleepy and my body is relaxed is to stop looking at screens at least an hour before bed. Phone, TV, tablet, computer screens, etc. are very harsh on your eyes especially at night. Social media, movies, and the internet may be making your brain more awake before bed than you realize. I find If I start scrolling on my phone in bed it is really hard to stop and does not make me feel more tired or willing to go to sleep. I have found for myself that reading a book with a reading light is a great way to go through the rest of your mental energy before bed, relax your body, and have you time before bed. Other hobbies like stretching, meditating, or doing something calming and relaxing in low light would probably also work.
- Have a Plan for the Next Morning
- I have found that if I am prepared and excited for the next day ahead, It is a lot easier for me to fall asleep. When I know exactly what I am going to do the next day and what I need to do right away when I wake up, it makes me feel more excited for the next day and wanting to go to bed on time so I can wake up with energy and accomplish my goals.
Those are my tips for being able to get to sleep easier. Let me know if you have tried any of these and what tips you have for going to bed on time.