-Angel Larson
Images Come in Different Modes
The correct mode you should use depends on the kind of message you are creating and how you want the viewer to interpret it
Icons should be used when you want to literally represent the subject or idea in a way that will be descriptive and straightforward to the viewer. A photograph can be used as an icon if it exactly represents the subject matter.

This ad uses icons in the form of the cleaning bottles. Instead of using an actual image of cleaning products, a simplified graphic reduction is used. This helps to tell the viewer what that ad is about right away and backs up the headline, “Squeaky Clean Services.” I did think that the cleaning products do remind me the most of a laundry detergent bottle, so this might confuse the message a
little bit.
Indexical Sign (Index)
Indexical signs (indexes) are visual signs that point to a signified object indirectly. For example, an image of a tree with the leaves falling might be pointing to autumn.

This ad uses imagery of an open road as a background to help point to and signify the message about what kind of people use Nike shoes. If the image only had a runner without the background it has, the meaning and emotions of the ad wouldn’t be communicated the same. The open road background signifies that Nike is, “natural,” “rugged,” and, “adventurous.”
Symbols are used when you want the information or idea to be more open-ended for the viewer to interpret. Symbols are interpreted differently depending on the cultural, social, and historical context that the viewer may or may not be aware of. Therefore, symbols must be used carefully to achieve the desired effect on the viewer.

This ad uses a large, red, graphic swoosh to symbolize the lipstick on a social, historical, and cultural level. The large red swoosh goes with the icon photograph of the lipstick container as well as a lady wearing the lipstick to add deeper meaning and significance to the ad. To me, the large red swoosh physically represents the color and texture of the lipstick but also conveys feelings of lust, love, passion, romance, boldness, and rich velvety color. This meaning is interpreted differently by the viewer and their unique experiences and knowledge of colors, shapes, and forms.
Supersigns combine icons, symbols, and/or indexes to create a more layered and complex meaning.

This ad uses a mix of icons, indexical signs, and symbols to create enhanced meaning. A photograph icon of the teacup is used to literally show what the product is. A symbol of the shape of steam is used that has an indexical image of fields with green leaves and a sunny sky in nature to connect the idea of where the tea came from with symbols of warmth, sunniness, and nature. These different forms of image representation combine into a supersign. The literal image of the teacup juxtaposed with the symbol of the feelings they want you to associate with their tea combines to create a more complex message for the viewer to decode and experience.