In fall 2023, I took a digital photography class. I was not at all prepared for what this class would be like, or what I would be learning. Overall though, it was a very fun and challenging experience that I would recommend to anyone interested in photography or design.
I am fortunate that my older sister is a professional photographer and has a backup camera that I can use. Before, she never trusted me with her camera. When I told her I was taking a digital photography class though, she was excited to let me borrow her equipment and camera. I have been using her Cannon T6i Rebel Camera, which includes a variety of lenses, multiple camera batteries, a large and small tripod, light reflectors, camera bag, sd cards, and a black & white backdrop. She did require me to get her some new lens covers and I bought a white card, along with some lens cleaners.
Working with an expensive pieces of equipment, you must make sure to store your camera and lenses properly. The lens caps and camera cover also insure that minimal dust/debris will get into your equipment, making it last longer. It was very daunting working with this equipment at first, as you also have to make sure not to drop anything and keep it away from wetness. With the cannon, you can also turn the screen inwards when you are not using it.
After my sister explained all the buttons on the camera to me and how to use it properly, I still had no idea how to take an ideal photo. The digital photography class was what taught me the basic skills and knowledge I needed to progress my photography skills. We first started by learning the basics about exposure, and how it is achieved through shutter speed, ISO, and aperture. It is critical to learn about these concepts as well as white balance in order to achieve different creative photo styles/effects and become a master of photography.
Digital photography not only helps you to take beautiful and unique photos but also can help you in a manner of other design applications. These applications include, commercial photography, landscape photography, portrait photography, digital imaging, and creating unique content for videos, ads, layouts, or websites. On this blog I will be sharing the things I have learned in this digital photography class as well as other classes and context that this design and technical knowledge has become useful. Topics will include: depth of field, white balance, high key images, low key images, HDR composites, macro photography, motion blur, portrait lighting, underwater photography, sunset silhouettes, and civil twilight photography.
Thank you to Sylvia Larson for letting me continue to use her camera and equipment. I have learned so much and photography can be so much fun! I fully intend to buy this equipment from her before I graduate, and continue to experiment more with photography for my own personal interest as well as creative projects. That you to my professor for being a great guide and influence on our learning journey as students, by providing knowledge and experiences in photography for us. At the start I really didn’t think I would be cut out for the digital photography class, but over time I have become a lot more confident in my skills and abilities.