Designing an App with Adobe XD-Part 3

Now that you have gathered your research data, you will need to organize the data and analyze it. If you don’t have enough responses, you may need to make more efforts to gather the data. You could also try another method to gather data.

  1. Enter your responses into excel.
  2. Turn the data into a table, so that you can re-organize it easily. This is easy to do if there where set responses that the respondents had to fill out. For example yes or no questions, multiple choice questions, or questions where you had to select only one answer. If your respondents where able to fill in the blank to answer the questions, you will have to analyze each response one by one.
  3. Filter the table so that you can see only your target audiences responses. For example, if you are creating an app targeted towards females, organize the list so that it only shows the responses from female or so that they are all together at the top.
  4. You can narrow down your list further as well. If you are targeting your app or website towards females, aged 18-25, who live on their own, and make $30,000-$50,000 per year, you will want to organize the responses in the table so it is only showing the responses from those people.
  5. Once you have narrowed down the responses to only show those who your app or website is targeted towards, analyze their responses carefully. What are they looking for in your intended app or website? What are they like? what are their needs and desires? Are they likely to use an app or website? What do they aspire for?
  6. Once you have analyzed these details from your research, you can move on to creating user personas.