Design Fundamentals – Visual Relationships

The visual relationships describe how certain elements in a design interact with each other to create visual meaning. These relationships aid in establishing the primary and secondary principles in a design composition.

1.) Density

(I do not own this material and am using it for informational purposes only.)

  • This poster has a high density of shapes on the lower, right side of the image.
  • The juice bottle, red splash, and watermelon pieces are all overlapping and located within the same area.
  • Your eye is drawn to the busiest area of the poster, without the image being too crowded.

2.) Direction

(I do not own this material and am using it for informational purposes only.)

  • This poster immediately pulls you in, with the big red tomato at the upward center.
  • The stems lead your eyes outwards and down as you start to notice the red text.
  • As you read the text, you start to notice all the objects within the tomato.
  • The tomato comes to a point at the bottom that leads your eyes downwards to the pasta sauce bottle.

3.) Discord

(I do not own this material and am using it for informational purposes only.)

  • This poster is in discord because it has too many different things going on.
  • There are multiple sizes, angles, styles, and colors of type. This makes the poster lack harmony.
  • There is also text overlapping the check mark, X, and birds that is visually distracting. This makes the poster way harder to read.
  • The birds do not match the theme of the poster.

4.) Economy

(I do not own this material and am using it for informational purposes only.)

  • This advertisement has very few words and images, making the design clean cut and simple.
  • Even though the design looks simple, it is very well thought out.
  • Ford is able to get its message across, “The city is in your hands,” by showing a city scape as the edge of the key.
  • This is a very clean, fresh, and interesting design.

5.) Focal Point

(I do not own this material and am using it for informational purposes only.)

  • In this advertisement, your eyes are immediately drawn to the lady in the middle.
  • She takes up about 2/3 of the frame and has lots of interesting shapes and colors.
  • Once you see her, your eyes are led up with her hand, and you can see the brand name.
  • Following her lower hand leads you to the drink that is being advertised.

6.) Harmony

(I do not own this material and am using it for informational purposes only.)

  • This poster is consistent with its colors, font choices, images, and background.
  • The black and white image of a lady, goes well with the black and white crocodile head. These elements mesh nicely to backup the idea presented, “Reimagine your world.”
  • The background is split in half equally. The top teal half matches the rectangles framing the text at the bottom.
  • All the text is the same style and white.

7.) Motif

(I do not own this material and am using it for informational purposes only.)

  • This advertisement displays motif by using the same type of style for all three icons.
  • The hammer, pencil, and magnifying glass icon are all contained in yellow circles.
  • These circles are the same size.
  • The icons are spaced evenly apart and have a coordinating caption that explains them.

8.) Tension

(I do not own this material and am using it for informational purposes only.)

  • •This advertisement shows a lot of visual tension with the placement of the fire, the main characters, and the scene in the foreground.
  • •The chaotic scenes in the foreground clash with the seemingly romantic main characters.
  • Her arm is overlapping the foreground, splitting it up into two distinct scenes.
  • •The fire in the background seems like it is coming off the characters, giving them an air of passion and danger.

9.) Theme

(I do not own this material and am using it for informational purposes only.)

  • This advertisement shows an overlapping theme through its text, color, and layout choices.
  • The light pink text matches with the border at the top and bottom of the image. This color also helps to represent the idea, “Land of the Sweets.”
  • The blue and white colors in the image back up the idea of it being cold and tie in with the snowflakes.
  • The lady on the right looks like she is signing and dancing, previewing what the show is going to be like.
  • Visually, the text nicely frames the woman. This leaves enough space for information, while retaining the pretty background and other elements.